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How To Add Feature Post In WordPress Sidebar

Sidebars are the non-content area of your site. A maximum of users use this space by adding social media buttons, email newsletter forms, and display banner ads.

This sidebar is by showing your top articles as featured posts.


1. Featuring Posts in WordPress Sidebar Without a Plugin:

Step 1: Click on Appearance > Widget and select Plus icon.


Step 2: Search List block then add a feature post list item and add the link on the title.


Step 3: Select all data and transform it into a group block. then update your changes.


Step 4: Your feature post will look link this.


2.  Feature Posts in WordPress Sidebar Using Menus:

Step 1: Go on Appearance and click menus. then click on create a new menu.


Step 2: After that name the menu and click create menu.


Step 3: Then add the menu list in the feature post menu.


Step 4: your menu list is added then click save it


Step 5: After that go on the Appearance > widget and add the navigation menu block and save it.


Step 6: See your update on your site.