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How to Transfer Domain in Shopify

When a domain is transferred to Shopify, Shopify will take care of all domain management. Therefore, your Shopify administrative settings handle all of your payments, renewals, and domain settings directly.

Your current domain registration must be at least 60 days old to be transferred to Shopify. Access to your account with the original domain provider is also required.

You must actively check your email for important confirmations during the transfer process. It can take up to 20 days to complete the transfer process.

The registration period for all Shopify domains is one full year. For instance, if you transfer your domain to Shopify with six months remaining before it expires, you will not renew it for 18 months after the transfer.

In this blog we will show you to how to transfer the domain and its simple steps

Step 1 : Log in into current domain account and unloack your domain in the seetings of shopify admin, then find the option that transfer your domain

Step 2: go to seeting in shopify admin and click on Domains section


Step 3: click on "Transfer domain" on the top 


Step 4: Enter the domain name that you want to transfer

Step 5: Enter the varification code that you received from your domain provider

Step 6: Buy and confirm and approve the transfer