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How to Create a URL Redirect in Shopify


In Online shopping there are lots of new pages collections products created day by day also delete the same. Deleting certain items ill redirect you to 404 it means that you provide the broken link which is not good for your business store.

You can easily create a redirect whenever you remove a page, collection, or URL. This will let visitors go to the new page from the old URL.

In this blog we will show you to step-by-step tutorial of how you can easily create a URL redirect on Shopify.

Step 1: Go to the URL that is no longer working on your website and copy the URL. We will need this to setup the redirect.

Step 2: On your Shopify dashboard go to Online Store >> and then click on Navigation. On the upper right hand side select View URL redirects.


Step 3: Then select the Create the url redirect.


Step 3: In the Redirect from section, paste the old URL that you copied.

Step 4: Next we are going to select where we want this old URL to redirect us to. In the Redirect to section we are going to enter the new URL.

Step 5: Select Save redirect. It’s very important to always test your redirection. Go back to the page with the 404 error and refresh. You should now be redirected.