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Specialized Input Settings ( Schema ) In Shopify


A setting of type blog outputs a blog picker field that's automatically populated with the available blogs for the store

You can use these fields to capture a blog selection, such as the blog to feature in the sidebar.


  "type": "blog",

  "id": "blog",

  "label": "Blog"




A setting of type collection outputs a collection picker field that's automatically populated with the available collections for the store

you can use this type to create collection of products on home page.


  "type": "collection",

  "id": "collection",

  "label": "Collection"




A setting of type collection_list outputs a collection picker field that's automatically populated with the available collections for the store. 

using this type you can create multiple collections( group of collection )


  "type": "collection_list",

  "id": "collection_list",

  "label": "Collections",

  "limit": 10



you can create maxmum 50 number of collection using this collection_list, here we select 10 number of collection list limit.


Using these fields to capture a color selection for various theme elements, such as the body text color and many more


  "type": "color",

  "id": "body_text",

  "label": "Body text",

  "default": "#000000"




Using these fields to capture background settings for various theme elements, such as the store background.


  "type": "color_background",

  "id": "background",

  "label": "Background",

  "default": "linear-gradient(#ffffff, #000000)"




Using these fields to capture a font selection for various theme elements, such as the base heading font.

fontpicker automatically populated with the font from the shopify library which includes Google fonts and web-safe fonts and licencced moto type font 


  "type": "font_picker",

  "id": "heading_font",

  "label": "Heading font",

  "default": "helvetica_n4"




You can use these fields to capture custom blocks of HTML and Liquid content, such as a product-specific message


  "type": "liquid",

  "id": "battery_message",

  "label": "Battery message",

  "default": "This product can be shipped by ground or air."




You can use these fields to capture a menu selection, such as the menu to use for footer links.


  "type": "link_list",

  "id": "menu",

  "label": "Menu"




It is widely used in shopify

You can use these fields to capture an image selection, such as logos, slideshow images, and  favicons.


  "type": "image_picker",

  "id": "logo_image",

  "label": "Logo image"




You can use these fields to capture custom blocks of HTML content, such as a video embed.


  "type": "html",

  "id": "video_embed",

  "label": "Video embed"




You can use these fields to capture a page selection, such as the page to feature content for in a size-chart display.


  "type": "page",

  "id": "page",

  "label": "Page"




You can use these fields to capture a product selection, such as the product to feature on the homepage.


  "type": "product",

  "id": "product",

  "label": "Product"




You can use these fields to capture multiple products, such as a group of products to feature on the homepage.


  "type": "product_list",

  "id": "product_list",

  "label": "Products",

  "limit": 5



you can create maximum 50 number of product using this product_list, here we select 5 number of product list limit.


You can use these fields to capture formatted text content, such as introductory brand content on the homepage.

here you can use this rech text with the following basic formatting optins such as bold, italic, underline, link, paragraph.


  "type": "richtext",

  "id": "paragraph",

  "label": "Paragraph"




You can use these fields to capture a URL selection, such as the URL to use for a slideshow button link.

it is automatically populated with Articles, collections, pages, blogs, products.


  "type": "url",

  "id": "button_link",

  "label": "Button link"




These fields can be used to capture a video URL from YouTube and/or Vimeo, such as the URL for a static video to show in the product description.


  "type": "video_url",

  "id": "product_description_video",

  "label": "Product description video",

  "accept": [



